Are you looking for help with a separation or divorce?

It may be worth speaking to one of our accredited Family Mediators to discuss your relationship circumstances and desired next steps...

How can Mediation help me through my divorce or separation?

Talking to your partner about the practicalities of separation or divorce can be difficult. If you’re a parent there are lots of decisions and plans to make for your children and in some cases couples just can’t agree a way forward.

Even if you have a good relationship with your partner, conversations about your children and money can result in arguments. In some cases communication can break down completely leaving you unable to come to a resolution. 

In all of these cases, Mediation can help.

The 4 Step Mediation Process

Divorce and Separation

Step 1
Initial Meeting with Mediator (MIAMS)

The first meeting where both parties meet separately with a mediator - commonly known as a MIAM. This provides you with the opportunity to find out how mediation can work for you and your family. This meeting usually lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Step 2
Both Parties Agree to Mediate

The first actual mediation session is the where mediator will explain how mediation works and the rules of the mediation room. This is covered in a document called an Agreement to Mediate. Both you and your former partner will be asked to sign this before starting the session.

Step 3
Exploring outcomes after Mediation

The first meeting where both parties meet separately with a mediator - commonly known as a MIAM. This provides you with the opportunity to find out how mediation can work for you and your family. This meeting usually lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Step 4
Planning towards moving forward

The first actual mediation session is the where mediator will explain how mediation works and the rules of the mediation room. This is covered in a document called an Agreement to Mediate. Both you and your former partner will be asked to sign this before starting the session.

Looking for more information on our 4-step mediation process?

Call us today on 0151 318 1128

Frequently Asked Divorce Questions

No. Mediation is a process to help you both to work through all of the concerns you have arising out of your separation or Divorce. The mediator is there to help and support you and provide you with a safe space to have the difficult conversation which often cannot otherwise be discussed.
We will always invite your ex to a separate meet with the mediator if this is what you want. It may be they are prepared to meet with the mediator even if its just to have their say. Our experience is if our initial invite to a MIAMs meet is accepted there is a good chance they will agree to come to mediation. However if they wont or ignore our invite then unfortunately mediation is not an option for you and we will issue to you a certificate which will enable you to make an application to court.
Trust is always an issue when relationships break down. Our mediators bring independence and objectivity to your discussions and help manage the emotions in the room. Mediation gives you the opportunity to remain focused and ensure documentation is produced to back up any factual information given during our mediation sessions.
No. Mediation is not compulsory. You have the right to choose how you resolve the disputes arising out of your separation or divorce, whether this be in relation to your financial affairs or your children arrangements. However if you are looking to go to court then you do need a mediator to certify that mediation is not appropriate for you by attending a MIAMs meet.
Legal Aid is available for Family Mediation if you are financially eligible. You will be assessed both on Income and Capital. Some benefits will automatically entitle you to Legal aid such as Income based ESA / JA or Universal Credit. If you receive Tax credits this does not mean you will automatically be eligible. We will need to look at all sources of income both earned or otherwise and will need to obtain from you documentation to support this. If you are eligible for legal aid mediation will be free of charge for you and will also fund some of your partners costs. To check out if you would be eligible click here

Need more answers?

10 Benefits of Divorce Mediation

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